Cristina Benito Villalvilla

Cristina Benito Villalvilla was born in Madrid, Spain, in 1993. She obtained her degree in Biochemistry in 2015 at Complutense University of Madrid. In 2014, she joined to the group of Dr. Oscar Palomares with an undergraduate collaboration grant from MEC (Ministry of Education and Science) to carry out her final degree project about the elucidation of the immunological mechanisms imprinted by bacterial vaccines in human dendritic cells. In 2015, she started the Master Degree in Investigation in Immunology at Complutense University of Madrid, while she continued her work about polyvalent bacterial vaccines for the treatment of recurrent urinary tract infections under the supervision of Dr. Palomares. In January 2022, she defended her Thesis: «Molecular mechanisms involved in the mode of action of allergoid-mannan conjugates and anti-IgE treatments in human dendritic cells». Since September 2021 she is «Profesora Ayudante» at BBM, School of Medicine, in UCM. Currently, she continue her research activitives working in the group and she is involved in the better characterization of the mode of action of different anti-IgE treatments at the moleuclar level with special focus on DCs.


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